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Dominating Pool 1: Beginner Strategies

Welcome back to our series, “Mastering Marvel Snap: Strategies for Every Pool.” In the previous article we covered the basics of card pools and how they impact your gameplay. Now, let’s dive into Pool 1, the beginner’s pool, and explore strategies to help you dominate your matches right from the start.

A vibrant, high-color-depth, wide-format image featuring characters from Marvel Snap's Pool 1 in a strategic board game setting. Characters are depicted in a mix of fantasy and sci-fi styles, engaged in strategic planning and dynamic poses against an imaginative, otherworldly background with futuristic and magical elements.

Owerview of Pool 1

Pool 1 is where every player begins their Marvel Snap journey. The cards in this pool are designed to be simple yet effective, giving you a solid foundation to build upon. However, the simplicity of these cards also means that strategy and synergy become crucial to gaining an edge over your opponents.

Must-Have Cards and Their Roles


A one-cost card that gains +3 Power if you have three other cards at its location. It’s an excellent mind to late game card that can turn the tide in your favor.

Suppose you’re playing a match and have an opportunity to place Ant-Man in a location where you already have two other cards. By adding a fourth card, you activate Ant-Man’s ability, giving you a significant power boost at that location. This can surprise your opponent and shift the momentum in your favor, especially if they weren’t expecting such a large increase in power from a one-cost card.


When played in the middle location, Medusa gains +3 Power, making her a strong and reliable two-cost card.

In a game where you are planning to control the middle location, playing Medusa early can establish a strong foundation. Her ability to gain +3 Power when played in the middle ensures that she consistently provides 5 Power, making her a reliable option for securing control in that key area.

Mister Fantastic

His ability to add +2 Power to adjacent locations makes him a versatile and valuable addition to any deck.

Let’s say you place Mister Fantastic in the middle location. His ability will add +2 Power to both adjacent locations, effectively spreading his influence and helping you maintain a competitive edge across the board. This can be particularly useful if you’re trying to maintain a balanced power distribution and keep your opponent guessing where to focus their efforts.

A wide-format illustration in a dark fantasy style, featuring a Pool 1 card game setup with detailed characters and creatures around a mystical altar. Brightness is added to the details, making the elements more vivid and prominent.

Top Deck Archetypes

Here we give examples of decks of different archetypes with a brief description of the strategy.

Ongoing Deck

  • Key Cards: Ant Man, Mister Fantastic, Iron Man
  • Strategy: Focus on cards with ongoing effects. Use Iron Man to double the power at a location, and Ant-Man for a strong finish. Mister Fantastic spreads power across multiple locations, making it harder for opponents to predict your moves. Combining Mister Fantastic and Ant-Man can secure multiple locations with minimal card investment.

On-Reveal Deck

  • Key Cards: Medusa, Star-Lord, White Tiger
  • Strategy: This deck capitalizes on cards with on-reveal effects. Play White Tiger to add a 8-Power Tiger (Tiger Spirit) to another location, creating unexpected power shifts. Use Star-Lord to predict your opponent’s moves and gain extra power. Medusa and Star-Lord work well together in a deck focused on predicting and countering opponent moves.
A high-color-depth, wide-format image inspired by Marvel Snap, showing characters from Pool 1 in a grand battle or strategic contest. The scene includes dynamic action poses, with characters utilizing their powers and abilities against a dramatic backdrop of ancient ruins and futuristic technology, creating a unique, otherworldly atmosphere.

Optimizing Your Pool 1 Deck

Flexibility is Key

One of the most important aspects of optimizing your Pool 1 deck is maintaining flexibility. As you progress and unlock new cards, the dynamics of your deck will inevitably change. Be prepared to adapt your deck composition based on the new cards you acquire and the strategies employed by your opponents.

Suppose you unlock Mister Fantastic. You might find that his ability to distribute power across adjacent locations complements your current strategy better than a card you were previously using. Swap him in and test how this new configuration impacts your gameplay. Flexibility allows you to continuously refine your deck and stay competitive.

Experiment with Different Cards

Marvel Snap offers a wide variety of cards, each with unique abilities and potential synergies. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different combinations to find what works best for your playstyle. This experimentation phase is crucial for discovering powerful synergies and strategies that might not be immediately obvious.

Try incorporating cards like Sentinel or Hawkeye into your deck. Sentinel can help maintain a steady hand size, while Hawkeye’s early game power boost can provide an advantage. By testing these cards in various scenarios, you can determine their effectiveness and find the optimal balance for your deck.

A vibrant, high-color-depth, wide-format image featuring characters from Marvel Snap's Pool 1 in a strategic board game setting. Characters are depicted in a mix of fantasy and sci-fi styles, engaged in strategic planning and dynamic poses against an imaginative, otherworldly background with futuristic and magical elements. Additionally, a newcomer looks around in awe at everything happening around them, appearing curious and fascinated.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Overcommitting to One Location

A common mistake among new players is overcommitting resources to a single location. While it might be tempting to secure one location with overwhelming power, this strategy can leave you vulnerable in other locations. Balancing your focus between multiple locations is crucial for overall success.

Instead of placing all your high-power cards in one location, spread your resources. Use cards like Mister Fantastic to add power to adjacent locations, or Medusa to strengthen your position in the middle location. This balanced approach ensures you have a competitive presence across the board, making it harder for your opponent to counter your strategy.

Ignoring Synergy

Another common mistake is ignoring the importance of synergy. A deck with strong synergy, where the cards complement and enhance each other’s abilities, often outperforms a deck comprised of individually powerful cards. Ensuring that your cards work well together is key to creating a cohesive and effective deck.

Consider the synergy between Ant Man and Ka-Zar. Ant-Man benefits from having three other cards at his location, and Kazar boosts the power of all one-cost cards. Together, they create a powerful combination that can dominate a location. Pay attention to these synergies and build your deck around them for maximum effectiveness.

Additional Tips for Avoiding Common Mistakes

  • Regularly Review and Adjust Your Deck: As you gain more experience and unlock new cards, make it a habit to review and adjust your deck. This helps you stay adaptable and ensures that your deck evolves with your growing card collection and understanding of the game.
  • Learn from Losses: Each loss is an opportunity to learn and improve. Analyze your defeats to identify any strategic errors or weaknesses in your deck. Use this insight to make informed adjustments and refine your approach.

By focusing on flexibility, experimenting with different cards, and avoiding common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your Pool 1 deck and establishing a strong foundation for future pools. Keep these tips in mind as you refine your strategies and continue your journey in Marvel Snap.

A vivid image of the gaming table and the surrounding players and fans. Cards are laid out on the table, and a selection of combinations is organized in the center.

Preparing for Pool 2

Each new pool in Marvel Snap introduces a different set of cards, which significantly changes the game’s dynamics. Here are some key strategies and cards to focus on as you move into Pool 2

Transition Strategy

As you progress from Pool 1 to Pool 2, it’s crucial to adapt your strategies and deck compositions to accommodate the new cards you’ll unlock.
As you unlock new cards, the strategies that were effective in Pool 1 may need to be adjusted to remain competitive. Understanding how new cards interact with your existing deck and anticipating your opponents’ new strategies is crucial for maintaining your edge.

Key Cards to Focus on

Jessica Jones

  • Role: Strategic Location Control
  • Application: Jessica Jones is a four-cost card with 5 Power that gains +4 Power if you don’t play a card at her location on the following turn. This makes her a powerful and strategic choice, allowing you to control a location while focusing your efforts elsewhere. Planning when and where to play Jessica Jones can create a significant power swing in your favor.


  • Role: Buffing Low-Cost Cards
  • Application: Kazar is a four-cost card with 4 Power, and his ability gives all your one-cost cards +1 Power. This makes him a cornerstone of any deck featuring numerous one-cost cards like Ant Man and Squirrel Girl. Kazar’s ability to buff multiple cards can create overwhelming board presence and power, making him a vital addition to your Pool 2 strategy.
In a mysterious space, platforms float at different heights. The main character leaps from a platform labeled 'Started' to 'Pool 1', surrounded by strange objects and secondary characters in a detailed, fantastical setting.

Key Tips for Transitioning

Focus on Versatile Cards

  • Explanation: As you transition to Pool 2, maintaining versatile and effective cards from Pool 1 is essential. Cards like Mister Fantastic and Iron Man are excellent choices because their abilities remain impactful across all pools. Mister Fantastic’s ability to spread power across locations and Iron Man’s power-doubling effect are strategies that will continue to be useful as you face more complex decks and opponents.
  • Example: Continuing to use Mister Fantastic in your deck allows you to control multiple locations, providing flexibility and strategic advantage. Iron Man can turn the tide in tightly contested locations, making these cards reliable assets.

Anticipate New Strategies

  • Explanation: Pool 2 introduces a variety of new cards that can significantly alter your gameplay. Being ready to adjust your deck to incorporate these powerful Pool 2 cards is critical. For instance, Jessica Jones and Ka-zar offer new strategic dimensions that can enhance your existing strategies or open up entirely new ones.
  • Example: If you’re using a deck with several one-cost cards, adding Ka-zar will greatly enhance their effectiveness, turning previously modest cards into powerful threats. Similarly, integrating Jessica Jones into your deck can provide a strong control element, making it harder for your opponent to predict and counter your moves.

Building Synergy

The key to success in Marvel Snap lies in creating a deck with strong synergy. Pool 2 cards like Jessica Jones and Ka-zar not only offer powerful abilities but also complement the cards from Pool 1, allowing for more refined and effective strategies. Paying attention to how new cards can enhance your deck’s synergy ensures you maximize your potential in each match.

Staying Ahead of the Meta

The meta, or the most effective strategies and decks used by players, constantly evolves as new cards are introduced. By focusing on the transition between pools, you can stay ahead of the meta, adapting your strategies to counter common tactics and exploit new opportunities. This proactive approach helps you climb the ranks and remain competitive as the game progresses.

A captivating, high-color-depth, wide-format image serving as a thematic conclusion. The scene combines elements of fantasy and sci-fi, with various characters and objects floating in a mysterious, otherworldly space. Central to the image is a sense of adventure and discovery, with characters interacting dynamically, exploring, and engaging in strategic actions. The background is filled with vibrant, imaginative details, creating a mesmerizing and memorable atmosphere. The image evokes a sense of wonder and excitement, drawing the viewer into the fantastical world.

With these detailed strategies and tips, you’ll be well-prepared to transition smoothly from Pool 1 to Pool 2, maintaining your competitive edge and continuing to dominate your matches in Marvel Snap.

Stay tuned for our next article in the series: “Mastering Pool 2: Intermediate Strategies”.