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Thunderbolts season starts in April 2024

As April 2024 dawns, Marvel Snap ushers in a new era of high-stakes card battles with the launch of its “Thunderbolts” season.

A group of characters surrounded by lightning in a mysterious fog.

The new Thunderbolts season in Marvel Snap has introduced a suite of characters that look set to shake up the meta, offering unique abilities that cater to various strategic approaches, affecting players across the skill spectrum. Let’s look at the potential impact of new products and understand how to win at Marvel Snap.

Baron zemo: irresistible recruiter

The new Marvel Snap card Baron Zemo becomes a game-changing card thanks to his recruiting ability.

Power and Cost

With a cost of 3 and power of 5, Baron Zemo sits comfortably in the mid-range, providing a solid presence on the board early in the game.

Unique Ability

Zemo’s ability to recruit the lowest-cost card from your opponent’s deck to your side of the location upon reveal not only disrupts your opponent’s deck synergy but also potentially strengthens your own board position. This can turn the tides by providing unexpected support and hindering your opponent’s planned combos.

Deck Synergies

Baron Zemo fits well into Control decks that aim to manipulate the board and disrupt the opponent’s plans. He could also find a place in Midrange decks that prioritize strong on-board presences around turns 3 and 4. Zemo’s ability synergizes with decks focusing on location domination, where stealing just one low-cost card could secure a win on a contested location.

Mystic character Baron Zemo with strategy elements and cosmic visuals.

Strategic Play

Deploying Baron Zemo card requires timing and anticipation. Playing him when you suspect your opponent has played a crucial low-cost card can maximize his impact. He also pairs well with cards that benefit from having multiple characters at a location, such as those with “Ongoing” effects that amplify their power based on the number of allies.

Baron Zemo’s introduction to Marvel Snap could very well redefine the importance of card cost consideration and hand management, making every low-cost card play a decision weighted with risk and opportunity.

Red Hulk: The Powerhouse Punisher

The next hero of our story is the Red Hulk – a powerful card with an unexpected effect.

Power and Strategy Unleashed

Marvel Snap’s Red Hulk slams into play as a true powerhouse, with a cost of 6 and an intimidating power of 11. His brute force is not his only asset; his unique ability punishes conservative energy management by bolstering his power further by +4 if the opponent ends their turn with energy unspent.

The Impact on Gameplay

Red Hulk card introduces a compelling new layer to energy strategy, challenging players to either spend all energy or risk empowering an already formidable foe. It’s a card that alters the flow of play, demanding attention as soon as it hits the hand.

A red muscular giant stands amidst a fantastical landscape, magic at his fingertips and celestial bodies illuminating the sky.

Deck Compatibility

Red Hulk can be a crown jewel in decks that pressure opponents to act quickly, fitting into Aggro or Midrange decks that aim to outpace the opponent. Furthermore, he could catalyze new deck archetypes that manipulate both players’ energy reserves for strategic advantages.

Tactical Deployment

Timing is critical when deploying Red Hulk. Releasing this card when your opponent is likely to conserve energy can turn him into an unstoppable force, capable of claiming critical locations or overturning a losing battle.

For advanced players, Red Hulk offers a new tactical avenue to explore, while beginners can relish the immediate satisfaction of his simple yet impactful power. He’s a card that can’t be taken lightly, as his very presence on the board is a game-defining moment.

U.S. Agent cuts down enemy power

Another new item for April 2024 is U.S. Agent, capable of taking control of the enemy’s power

A New Tactical Contender

U.S. Agent card storms into Marvel Snap with a unique role, particularly in the control archetype. Costing only 2 with a power of 3, his unassuming entrance belies his game-changing ability.
U.S. Agent’s ongoing effect reduces the power of all 4, 5, and 6-cost cards at his location by 3, which can severely undermine the typical strategies of midrange and ramp decks that rely on late-game power plays.

Deck building

U.S. Agent is an excellent addition to decks designed to stall or control high-cost threats, and he can even find a home in aggro decks that aim to finish games quickly before higher-cost cards dominate the board.

A superhero with a shield in the center of an explosion and a shootout against the backdrop of a night city.

Strategic Play

Placing U.S. Agent on a crucial location can dictate the flow of the match, forcing your opponent to rethink their deployment strategy. He’s especially effective against decks that build towards a powerful late game, as he can neutralize key threats before they even have a chance to swing the momentum.
For players of all levels, U.S. Agent presents a new strategic avenue to explore, offering a counterbalance to high-cost strategies and reshaping the competitive landscape with his presence.

Red Guardian: The Strategic Nullifier

In Marvel Snap’s chess game, Red Guardian acts as a rook, ready to corner and crush the plans of the unwary.

Strategic Advantage in Simplicity

Red Guardian card stands as a strategic bulwark in Marvel Snap. With a modest cost of 3 and power of 3, he presents an unassuming yet potentially game-altering ability.
Upon reveal, Red Guardian can target and debilitate the enemy’s weakest link at his location, reducing the power of the lowest-Power enemy card by -2 and erasing its abilities. This can dismantle an opponent’s setup and disrupt their synergistic plays.

A Red Guardian with a red and blue cape walks decisively along a snowy street, silhouettes of military personnel in the distance.

Deck Synergies

The Red Guardian card is best utilized in decks focused on battlefield control and supporting your creatures. Thanks to its abilities, which often include defensive and supporting mechanics, it can be particularly effective in strategies that aim to protect valuable units or in decks that benefit from maintaining a strong board presence.

Strategic Deployment

Timing is key; playing Red Guardian when your opponent has a pivotal low-Power card on the board can reverse their fortunes, providing you a significant advantage in the battle for location control.

White Widow: The Subtle Saboteur

Lurking in the shadows, White Widow’s entry marks a subtle shift in the game’s power dynamics.

Understated Yet Potent

White Widow skitters into play with a stealthy prowess, carrying a cost of 2 and power of 2, along with a cunning ability that subtly shifts the balance of power.

Her reveal inflicts a Widow's Kiss on your opponent’s side of the location, a token with a debilitating ongoing effect that lowers its power, hampering your opponent’s numerical advantage.

A female superhero in a white suit with a web, stands on the roof of a skyscraper against the backdrop of city lights.

Subtle White Widow Strategy

Perfect for Control decks, White Widow can also synergize with Midrange strategies that aim to maintain board presence while subtly undermining the opponent’s efforts.
Deploying White Widow requires foresight to effectively disrupt your opponent’s location strategy, turning her into a sleeper agent that can contribute to a location’s capture with subtlety and precision.

Widow’s Kiss: The Power Drain

An insidious force, Widow's Kiss saps strength from the board, altering the landscape of power with a whisper.

A Tactical Deterrent

Despite having no power or cost, Widow’s Kiss is a card that can quietly tip the scales, with an ongoing effect that reduces power and can be deactivated strategically.
This card places a -4 power debuff on itself, but can be turned off when your side is full, allowing for calculated plays that can lead to surprising turnarounds.

Mystical figure in a magical forest, offering enchantment amidst ancient, glowing trees.

Synergies and Deployment

Widow’s Kiss complements Debuff and Control decks, and its presence can deter opponents from committing fully to a location, providing a psychological edge.
Widow’s Kiss excels when used to either bait the opponent into overcommitting or as a means to preserve a lead at a specific location.

Valentina: The Wild Card Catalyst

Valentina brings the thrill of chance to Marvel Snap, dealing wild cards that can rewrite the rules of engagement.

Superheroine Valentina with purple energy cards and cosmic suit.

An Element of Surprise

Valentina steps into Marvel Snap with an air of unpredictability, priced at 2 with a power of 3, and a unique ability that offers a taste of the high-stakes.
On reveal, she adds a random 6-Cost card to your hand, discounted by -2 cost and -3 power, crafting new strategic pathways and unexpected plays.

Strategic Combinations

Valentina fits into decks that relish unpredictability, such as Combo or Control decks that can adapt and capitalize on the varied outcomes her ability provides.
Her usage demands flexibility and adaptability, turning each match into a test of one’s ability to craft victory from the unknown elements she conjures.

New cards – new strategies

Marvel Snap is introducing new features in April 2024. Integrate new cards into existing strategies and discover unexpected interactions.
Each of the Season of Thunderbolts characters featured here offer new ways to optimize Marvel Snap decks, adapt to new challenges, and reimagine gameplay in the game’s immersive world.

Strategic Battlegrounds: The New Locations of Thunderbolts Season

The season’s fresh locations – Castle Zemo and Thunderbolts Tower – add another layer of complexity, potentially upending standard location control tactics.

Castle Zemo: The Unpredictable Gambit

Imposing castle on a cliff with stormy skies.

In Marvel Snap, capturing Castle Zemo isn’t just about playing your card; it’s about playing your opponent. The first card played here immediately turns traitor, flipping to your opponent’s side. Savvy players use this to their advantage, sending low-impact cards to enemy lines or timing plays to turn enemy defenses into an unexpected boon. Strategic genius here is not in the power you play, but the pawns you sacrifice.

Thunderbolts Tower: The Late-Game Equalizer

Thunderbolts Tower looms as a reminder that in Marvel Snap, the mighty can fall as swiftly as they rise. After turn 5, all cards here suffer a -2 Power debuff, disrupting late-game heavy hitters. This location favors the swift and nimble decks, rewarding players who build up a lead early or those who can rapidly deploy their arsenal before the tower’s power reduction sets in. Consider saving your heavy hitters for other locations, or use low-cost cards here to outmaneuver the opposition.

Lightning strikes the Thunderbolt tower amidst misty mountains.

In essence, the Thunderbolts season extends a playground of strategy where every player, from neophyte to veteran, can find a new angle to explore, ensuring that Marvel Snap’s metaverse remains as unpredictable and engaging as its characters.