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February 29th, 2024 - Balance Updates

In February, MARVEL SNAP showcased a dynamic metagame, with over ten decks each week boasting win rates above 50% but remaining within balance standards. Unlike other card games that may resist change, MARVEL SNAP embraces it, frequently updating and revising cards to ensure an ever-evolving gameplay experience.

This approach is part of what makes the game uniquely engaging, with the latest updates reflecting a commitment to this philosophy by introducing changes designed to keep the metagame fresh and challenging.

  • Adam Warlock
  • [Old] 2/0 – After each turn, draw a card if you’re winning here.
  • [Change] 2/0 -> 5/4

Marvel Snap’s latest update sees a strategic enhancement to Adam Warlock, shifting his cost from 2 to 5/4 to refine his powerful card-drawing ability. This move aligns with ongoing efforts to balance the game, ensuring each card finds its competitive edge without overshadowing others. Similar to previous adjustments with Spider-Man 2099, the team opts for evolution over rework, aiming for a harmonious blend of challenge and reward within the game’s dynamic metagame.

  • Darkhawk
  • [Old] 4/0 – Ongoing: +2 Power for each card in your opponent’s deck.
  • [Change] 4/0 -> 5/4

The developers have decided to adjust Darkhawk‘s capabilities after observing its dominant performance in the metagame, despite considerations to alter its dynamics with Blob.

This change, aimed at refreshing the gameplay landscape, may be revisited depending on future metagame shifts. While acknowledging Zabu’s significant role in bolstering Darkhawk, they noted the existence of other viable and enjoyable decks featuring Zabu, hinting at potential new synergies to explore in March.

  • Forge
  • [Old] 1/1 – On Reveal: Give the next card you play +2 Power.
  • [Change] 1/1 -> 2/2

The journey of Forge‘s balance adjustment has been a unique example of OTA balancing’s dynamic nature. Initially an influential lynchpin in various decks and overshadowing other 1-Cost cards, Forge stood out as one of the most played cards. To balance the gameplay and enhance diversity among 1-Cost cards, developers are dialing down Forge’s power. This adjustment is part of a broader strategy to revisit and uplift other 1-Cost cards in the game, ensuring a more balanced and varied playing field.

  • Ant Man
  • [Old] 1/1 – Ongoing: If your side of this location is full, +3 Power.
  • [New] 1/1 – Ongoing: If your side of this location is full, +4 Power.

Developers are enhancing Ant Man in MARVEL SNAP, aiming to bolster its appeal for both new and seasoned players by increasing its conditional Power. This adjustment, expected to introduce a significant yet balanced boost to Ant-Man, reflects a careful approach to improving 1-Cost cards without disrupting the game’s equilibrium.

  • America Chavez
  • [Old] 2/3 – On Reveal: Give the top card of your deck +2 Power.
  • [Change] 2/3 -> 1/2

Adjusting Forge to a 2-Cost and reducing America Chavez to 1-Cost balances their in-game roles, addressing Forge’s previous strength and America’s underperformance. This strategic swap aims to optimize both cards’ effectiveness within their new cost structures.

  • Lockjaw
  • [Old] 3/2 – After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck. (once per turn)
  • [Change] 3/2 -> 4/5

Given the recent heavy reliance on Lockjaw by Hela and Thanos variations, despite fair performance, Lockjaw has become somewhat of an outlier.

Recognized for its unique energy “cheating” and card-drawing capabilities, while being enjoyable to play, its impact on game balance and future design has raised concerns. Adjusting Lockjaw to a 4-Cost, reducing its swap turns but increasing its Power, aims to balance its potential without diminishing the fun.

  • Sword Master
  • [Old] 3/6 – On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand.
  • [Change] 3/6 -> 3/7

The buff to Sword Master addresses its underperformance, even among smaller collections, by enhancing its role as a viable or supplementary power source in Discard decks. This adjustment aims to bolster its competitiveness and utility.

  • Vulture
  • [Old] 3/3 – When this card moves, +5 Power.
  • [New] 3/3 – When this card moves, +6 Power.

Boosting Vulture‘s move ability highlights our aim to rejuvenate older cards, maintaining their relevance as the game evolves. Vulture, once a cornerstone of Move decks, now gains additional utility, especially with Shang-Chi‘s emergence, making single-move Vultures viable at 9 Power. This adjustment supports diverse strategies, like coordinating with Heimdall.

That wraps up our updates for now. See you next time, and enjoy your game!