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Marvel Snap Update: Enhancing Thanos Decks with New Infinity Stones Synergy

With the start of Heaven’s Finest, Marvel Snap has made changes to balance the game and improve some gameplay aspects.
So what has changed?

A colorful and realistic illustration highlighting the new mechanics and characters introduced in the Marvel Snap update.

Top cards are getting closer

A number of cards have been relegated to a lower series.
The following cards moved to Series 3:

  • Howard the Duck
  • Silver Samurai
  • Mirage
  • Echo
  • Martyr

Demoted to Series 4:

  • Jean Gray
  • Selene
  • Hercules
  • Nebula
  • Silk
  • The Living Tribunal
  • Gladiator
A dynamic illustration depicting cards descending steps, symbolizing the transition to a lower tier in Marvel Snap.

This is designed to make it easier to collect cards that were previously inaccessible to many players.

Cards are moved face down

Under the new rules, cards that can move do so before being revealed.
This changes the effect of the cards’ “When Revealed” skill and, according to the game’s creators, eliminates some of the inconsistencies and ambiguities in the game.

The Most Interesting Thing is the Infinity Stones

The most interesting updating this season Marvel Snap is perhaps the changes to the Infinity Stones. Once again, Thanos and his stone team are being adjusted.

A vibrant and detailed illustration of the Infinity Stones from Marvel Snap, set against a transparent space background, highlighting their mystical power.


The latest update to the Infinity Stones in Marvel Snap aims to centralize their synergy around Thanos, providing a distinct and powerful identity for Thanos decks. By refining the abilities of each Stone and ensuring they contribute meaningfully to the overall strategy, the changes enhance gameplay consistency, strategic depth, and thematic alignment with the Mad Titan. These adjustments position Thanos decks as unique and formidable, moving away from generic ramp strategies and creating a more engaging play experience.

Detailed Analysis of Each Infinity Stone

Mind Stone

  • Old: 2/1 – On Reveal: Draw 2 1-Cost cards from your deck.
  • New: 2/1 – On Reveal: Draw 2 Stones from your deck.
  • Analysis: The new Mind Stone focuses on drawing two specific Stones, improving synergy with Thanos decks and ensuring the gathering of essential pieces for the strategy. This change enhances consistency and aligns with the thematic goal of assembling the Infinity Stones.

Reality Stone

  • Old: 1/1 – On Reveal: Transform this location into a new one. Draw a card.
  • New: 1/1 – On Reveal: Replace this location with a new one.
  • Analysis: The ability remains largely similar, but the change in wording clarifies the effect. The draw card aspect has been moved to the Soul Stone, slightly balancing the utility of the Reality Stone.

Soul Stone

  • Old: 1/1 – Ongoing: Enemy cards here have -1 Power.
  • New: 1/1 – On Reveal: Draw a card. Ongoing: Thanos can’t be discarded or destroyed.
  • Analysis: This change adds more utility by drawing a card on reveal and providing protection for Thanos with its ongoing effect. This makes the Soul Stone more versatile and integral to the Thanos deck strategy.

Space Stone

  • Old: 1/1 – Next turn, you can move one card to this location. Draw a card.
  • New: 1/1 – On Reveal: Draw a card. Ongoing: Nothing can stop you from playing or moving Thanos.
  • Analysis: The new Space Stone enhances Thanos’ mobility and playability by preventing any restrictions on playing or moving him. This adds a layer of strategic flexibility and ensures smoother gameplay for Thanos-centric decks.

Time Stone

  • Old: 1/1 – On Reveal: Give Thanos -1 Cost next turn. Draw a card.
  • New: 1/1 – On Reveal: Give Thanos -1 Cost. Draw a card.
  • Analysis: The revised Time Stone now provides an immediate cost reduction for Thanos, making it more powerful and satisfying to play. This change directly boosts Thanos’ playability, contributing to a more dynamic and aggressive strategy.

General Analysis and Cumulative Effects

A detailed illustration featuring the Infinity Stones embedded in a celestial throne, glowing brightly against a cosmic space filled with stars and nebulae.

Common Details for All Stones

  • Focus on Thanos Synergy: Each Stone now has effects that directly support and enhance Thanos, ensuring a cohesive and powerful deck strategy.
  • Card Draw Consistency: The draw effects are redistributed to maintain balance while ensuring that the Stones contribute meaningfully to deck efficiency and strategy.
  • Thematic Alignment: The changes reinforce the fantasy of aligning with Thanos, making the deck feel more thematic and rewarding to play.

Cumulative Effects

  • Enhanced Thanos Playability: With the new abilities, Thanos decks will have better consistency and power, allowing for more strategic depth and flexibility.
  • Reduced Ramp Strategy: By focusing the Stones on Thanos rather than generic ramp strategies, the update aims to carve out a unique identity for Thanos decks, reducing their dominance in ramp-based gameplay.
  • Protection for Thanos: New protective effects, particularly from the Soul Stone, ensure that Thanos remains in play, supporting long-term strategic plans.
A vibrant illustration showing all the Infinity Stones together, their powers combined, creating a dynamic visual effect against a cosmic background.

Sanctuary II Location Disabled

The Sanctuary II location has been disabled in this update. This decision may have been made to prevent potential imbalances or issues with the new Stone effects, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience.


The recent update to Marvel Snap brings significant enhancements, with the revamp of the Infinity Stones being the most notable change. These updates aim to centralize the synergy around Thanos, creating a distinct and powerful identity for Thanos decks. While the Infinity Stones take center stage, other adjustments contribute to a more balanced and engaging gameplay experience, ensuring that Marvel Snap continues to evolve and captivate its players.

A vibrant and detailed illustration of a dynamic battle scene in Marvel Snap, featuring various Marvel characters in action against a futuristic cityscape with towering buildings and neon lights.